This is where you can learn about the latest news from the Blue Hill Observatory and where you can find links to where BHO has been mentioned in media reports and articles.

Tim Kelley’s favorite websites

As a follow up to Tim Kelley’s informative Blue Hill Online program last week, here are Tim’s favorite weather websites.

Blue Hill Observatory Begins Earthquake Monitoring

Blue Hill Observatory has been watching the weather since 1885, and Boston College’s Weston Observatory has been watching the Earth quake since 1931. We are now joining forces to monitor the Earth with a recently installed seismograph at Blue Hill. In collaboration with Dr. Alan Kafka, Director of Weston Observatory, Blue Hill purchased and installed… Read More »

House Approves $100,000 Funding for BHO. On to the Senate.

The Mass House of Representatives passed Amendment #822 to the House budget that will provide for “not less than $100,000  to be expended for the Blue Hill Observatory & Science Center”. The House budget will now go to the Senate where they will debate and consider funding. Many thanks to all of you who contacted… Read More »

House to Vote on $100,000 Funding for BHO. Your Immediate Help is Needed

Representatives Galvin of Canton (Sponsor) along with 26 other Representatives (Co-Sponsors) have filed Amendment #822 to the House budget that will provide for “not less than $100,000  to be expended for the Blue Hill Observatory & Science Center”. If passed, this will be an important step toward ensuring that Observatory STEM educational programs and the… Read More »

2018-2019 Winter Temperature Forecast

Editor’s Note: While Blue Hill Observatory does not issue forecasts and does not endorse this forecast, we thought our readers would enjoy hearing what a local seasonal forecaster is predicting. Judah Cohen is a scientist who specializes in seasonal forecasting at Atmospheric and Environmental Research in Lexington, MA. Using a model that considers Siberian snow… Read More »

State of the Climate at Blue Hill Observatory: 2018

    The founding objective of the Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory (BHO) in 1885 was to establish the first private observatory for the measurement of weather and climate at a location that was distinctly elevated above the surrounding terrain and to support special investigations in meteorology. The continual and meticulous recording of temperature, moisture, precipitation, snowfall,… Read More »