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Latitude: 42° 12' 44"N, Longitude: 71° 6' 53"W, Elevation: 635 ft
Milton, MA USA

The weather data provided on this page are unofficial and may be
different from the official Blue Hill Observatory measurements.
They are provided for comparison and educational purposes only.

Station History

WxSolution records began April 20, 2004.  Beginning in 2016, Daylight Saving Time is not longer used for the Davis Vantage Pro data.

Weather Equipment Used:

Current Weather Data

Current Weather Data #2 (alternate anemometer)

Monthly Weather Data

These are six page reports similar to the Local Climatological Data (LCD) reports produced by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) with the addition of hourly data plots and a monthly wind rose.

Monthly Reports (PDF)

Select month:
Select year:

Monthly reports are posted shortly after the end of the month.
