Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory 2
42° 12' 44"N, 71° 06' 53"W, Elevation 635 feet
Milton, Massachusetts USA


Monday, July 15, 2024
6:20 PM (Eastern Standard Time)
Updated every 10 minutes
Dew Point73.3°F (23.0°C)
WindSE 15 G 27 mph
Heat Index83°F
Barometer29.781" (1008.5 mb)
Solar91 W/m2
Rainfall0.07" (0.00"/hr)
Facing WNW. Updated every 15 minutes.
Source: Camnet


Today's Highs and Lows
Temperature 91.5°F @ 1:38 PM
70.3°F @ 3:59 AM
Dew Point 80.4°F 4:49 PM
67.3°F 2:40 AM
Humidity 96% 4:32 PM
61% 2:25 PM
Wind Gust 27 mph SE @ 6:08 PM
Wind Speed 20 mph WSW @ 11:30 AM
Barometer 29.921" 12:00 AM
29.770" 4:06 PM
Precipitation Max 2.67"1 3:21 PM
Last 24 hours 0.07"
Storm total 0.07"
Evapotranspiration 0.188"
Wind Chill Gust Min 70°F 3:59 AM
Wind Chill Avg Min 70°F 3:59 AM
Heat Index Max 106°F 1:06 PM
Sunshine Max 995 W/m2 1:00 PM
1. Instantaneous rainfall rate.

Yesterday July 14, 2024
  Maximum, Minimum Mean/Total
Temperature 88.5°F @ 3:44 PM
69.9°F @ 4:36 AM
Dew Point 75.9°F 11:13 AM
66.7°F 6:18 PM
Humidity 100% 12:00 AM
55% 4:23 PM
Wind Gust 19 mph SW @ 9:05 PM
6.9 269°
Wind Speed 15 mph SW @ 9:05 PM
Barometer 30.043" 12:06 AM
29.911" 11:32 PM
Wind Chill Gust Min 70°F 4:36 AM
Wind Chill Avg Min 70°F 4:36 AM
Heat Index Max 96°F 3:35 PM
Sunshine Max 1002 W/m2 11:21 AM 299.5
Degree Days Heating (Base 65°F): 0
Cooling (Base 65°F): 15
Precipitation   0.00"
Evapotranspiration   0.221"
Precipitation Types none
Snowfall 0.0"
Snowcover 0"

Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possible within 12 hours possibly heavy at times. Windy.

Number of Days
For July For 2024
Rain: 7
Snow: 0
Heavy Fog: 0
Thunder: 0
High ≥ 90°F: 2
Low ≤ 32°F: 0
High ≤ 32°F: 0
Low ≤ 0°F: 0
Cloudy: 0
Partly Cloudy: 0
Clear: 0
Rain: 90
Snow: 0
Heavy Fog: 0
Thunder: 0
High ≥ 90°F: 5
Low ≤ 32°F: 65
High ≤ 32°F: 12
Low ≤ 0°F: 0
Cloudy: 0
Partly Cloudy: 0
Clear: 0
Date of last rainfall: July 15, 2024 (0 days)

Observed Conditions
Precipitation types none
Snowfall today 0.0 inches
Snow on the ground 0 inches
Snowfall this season 0.0 inches
Degree Days
  Today Month Season
Heating - Base 65°F 0 0 0
Cooling - Base 65°F 16 181 359
Wind Run
Today 200.2 miles
This month 3788.7 miles
This year 53223.9 miles

Sun, Moon
Twilight begins 3:58 AM
Sunrise 4:23 AM
Sunset 7:17 PM
Twilight ends 7:42 PM
Moonrise 2:04 PM
Moonset 11:49 PM
Sunshine Minutes (intensity ≥ 120 W/m2)
Today 615
This Month 9,066
This Year 94,994
Yesterday 707
One Year Ago 691

Monthly and Yearly Statistics
Maximum, Minimum, Mean/Total
Maximum, Minimum, Mean/Total
Temperature °F 91.5° on Jul 15 1:38 PM
60.0° on Jul 2 1:59 AM
Mean 76.7°
93.2° on Jun 20 1:17 PM
9.8° on Jan 21 12:06 AM
Mean 50.6°
Dew Point °F 81.3° on Jul 10 11:03 AM
51.2° on Jul 2 6:59 PM
Mean 70.0°
81.3° on Jul 10 11:03 AM
1.1° on Feb 25 4:00 AM
Mean 43.3°
Humidity 100% on Jul 1 12:00 AM
39% on Jul 3 1:31 PM
Mean 85.1%
100% on Jan 10 12:19 AM
21% on Apr 22 4:32 PM
Mean 79.6%
Wind Gust (mph) S 42 on Jul 11 3:29 AM
E 0 on Jul 1 2:43 PM
Mean 218° 10.7
S 76 on Apr 12 5:56 AM
N 0 on Jan 1 1:05 AM
Mean 251° 11.2
Wind Speed S 29 on Jul 10 5:19 PM
N 0 on Jul 2 6:59 PM
S 50 on Apr 12 9:54 AM
N 0 on Jan 1 3:42 AM
Barometer 30.264" on Jul 2 10:04 AM
29.770" on Jul 15 4:06 PM
Mean 29.991"
30.611" on Mar 1 9:35 AM
28.949" on Jan 10 7:06 AM
Mean 29.959"
Precipitation Total 1.16" Total 262.95"
Evapotranspiration Total 2.519" Total 21.334"
Wind Chill Gust °F Min 57° on Jul 2 2:13 AM Min -11° on Jan 21 5:30 AM
Wind Chill Avg °F Min 58° on Jul 2 2:12 AM Min -9° on Jan 21 5:56 AM
Heat Index °F Max 106° on Jul 15 1:06 PM Max 113° on Jun 20 12:23 PM
Sunshine (W/m2) Max 1498 on Jul 13 11:20 AM
Mean 222.0
Max 1498 on Jul 13 11:20 AM
Mean 164.1
Extremes are the first of multiple occurrences.

All-Time Records
  Maximum, Minimum
Temperature °F 98.3° on Jul 24, 2022 2:03 PM
-13.4° on Feb 4, 2023 5:47 AM
Dew Point °F 81.5° on Jul 20, 2019 1:48 PM
-79.1° on Jan 3, 2023 2:48 PM
Humidity 100% on Sep 20, 2017 1:11 AM
0% on Jan 3, 2023 2:48 PM
Wind Gust (mph) S 86 on Dec 18, 2023 10:12 AM
SE 0 on Jan 2, 2017 5:01 AM
Wind Speed S 57 on Apr 13, 2020 3:38 PM
N 0 on Jan 1, 2017 2:16 PM
Barometer 30.815" on Feb 13, 2018 8:59 AM
28.675" on Feb 7, 2020 2:58 PM
Precipitation Max rate 82.29"/hr on Jun 15, 2024 10:45 AM
Evapotranspiration Max day 0.407" on May 2, 2018 11:01 PM
Wind Chill Gust °F Min -138° on Feb 3, 2023 3:33 AM
Wind Chill Avg °F Min -134° on Feb 3, 2023 3:36 AM
Heat Index °F Max 113° on Jun 20, 2024 12:23 PM
Sunshine (W/m2) Max 1498 on Jul 13, 2024 11:20 AM
Records begin 04/20/2004.
Extremes are the first of multiple occurrences.

Battery Status
Transmitters All OK
Console 4.80V


Data generated by WxSolution Version, Build 2022.03.27.