Climate & Weather

Our climate and weather records are a unique resource for science research and education.

Here you will find official BHO climate information including daily weather discussions, monthly data forms, monthly and annual graphics and text summaries, long-term climate plots, and BHO climate data. Current conditions are provided by the automated Davis Vantage Pro instrumentation at BHO and automated wind gusts are provided by Vector Instruments and R.M. Young wind sensors. There is also a list of our favorite weather and forecasting websites.

Daily Discussions

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Monthly Summary F-6 Forms

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Weather Archives

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Climate Research

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Observatory Climate Data

Extensive work is in progress to transfer over 135 years of primary daily data observations including maximum and minimum temperature, precipitation, snowfall, snow cover, wind speed, sunshine and other parameters. This process will fill gaps and remove inconsistencies in the existing data base and begin the process of digitizing data that has never been tabulated before.


The daily highest and lowest extreme temperatures are recorded at Blue Hill every day using two different thermometers in the white, shuttered Hazen temperature shelter within the instrument enclosure on the summit to the northeast of the Observatory.


Precipitation is recorded daily using a variety of equipment in the outdoor instrument enclosure near the Observatory. Manual readings of precipitation at three, six and 24-hour intervals are obtained by inserting a measuring stick into the standard 8-inch rain gauge…

Bright Sunshine Duration

A Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder has been in use to measure bright sunshine duration at BHO since 1886, and this represents the longest such record of sunshine in North America. The parameter is referred to as bright sunshine since sunlight must be of sufficient intensity to scorch a paper card…

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Current Research Projects and Collaborations

Ongoing research projects and collaborations at BHO cover a wide range of topics related to our long-term climate record, and these activities are supported by staff and professional scientists as well as high-school and college student interns and other volunteers. Listed below is a sample of current projects.

Wind Speed Decrease
Bright Sunshine Trends
Daily Climate Data Digitization
Earthquake Monitoring

Forecast & Weather Resources

NWS-Norton Forecasts
Local National Weather Service Forecasts
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NOAA WPC – Model Guidance
NOAA Weather Prediction Center Model Guidance
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NOAA WPC – Surface Archive
NOAA Weather Prediction Center Surface Analysis
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Abbott Lawrence Rotch Memorial Monument

A large stone monument near the Observatory was originally erected in 1912 in honor of the Observatory’s founder, Abbott Lawrence Rotch.  It was later etched with a summary of the climate means and extremes that were recorded during the Observatory’s first century (1885-1984). An inscription on the back of the monument reads: “In memory of Abbot Lawrence Rotch, founder and director of the Blue Hill Observatory, pioneer in the study of the upper air, a life devoted to science for the good of mankind”.

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Questions about our Weather or Climate Records? Contact Us Online: