Join us online Saturday, November 13, 2021 for the Southern New England Weather Conference from 10am to 2pm
Our esteemed line-up of presenters will share their expertise and insights to build your understanding of New England weather and much more.
The Southern New England Weather Conference is a non-profit venture that is sponsored by the National Weather Service Norton MA, the Blue Hill Observatory & Science Center, the University of Massachusetts-Lowell Student Chapter of the American Meteorological Society and the Lyndon State College Chapter of the American Meteorological Society/National Weather Association.
This virtual event is free of charge. Register here

Other Speakers and Topics include: 11:15am—Dave Vallee, Hydrologist-in-Charge, NOAA/NWS/Northeast River Forecast Center, will discuss the 30th Anniversary of Hurricane Bob. 11:35am—Dan Brown, Senior Hurricane Specialist, NOAA/NWS National Hurricane Center – Miami, FL, will discuss Northeast Hurricane Information and interpretation ofthe graphics. 11:55am—Alex Lamers, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, NOAA/NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction Weather Prediction Center (WPC) will present on the impacts of “Ida” on the northeast U.S. 12:15pm—The National Weather Service – Norton MA Team will showcase their new virtual offerings of science webinars, storybook, public safety videos, and virtual EM briefings. 12:25pm—Blue Hill Observatory will present “Weather Observational Integrity through Major Renovations at Blue Hill Observatory.” 12:35pm—A.J. Burnett, Meteorologist and the Weather Producer for WCVB’s StormTeam 5, will present a “Winter Outlook Comparison.” 1:00pm—Not just for students—our expert panel of professional meteorologists and climate scientists from various sectors will share their passion for their fields and the impact of their professional roles in understanding weather and climate. Michelle Muscatello, Meteorologist, WPRI 12News.Dr. Janel Hanrahan, Associate Professor, Chair Atmospheric Sciences at Northern Vermont University-Lyndon.Ed Vallee, Owner and Meteorologist at Empire Weather Consulting, a weather forecasting and consulting firm.Doug Glowacki – Emergency Management Specialist with the CT Dept. of Emergency Management and Homeland Security.Christina Speciale – Meteorologist, National Weather Service, Albany, NY. |