December 2014 Summary – Wetter and Much Warmer Than Average

Blue Hill Observatory
December 2014 Summary:

The month was notable for being much warmer and wetter than average.  The 24-hour mean temperature for the month of 35.5F was 5.7 degrees warmer than the 120-year average for December, and this was about four degrees warmer than the 1981-2010 30-year average.  The maximum temperature for the month was 63F on the 1st, and the coldest temperature was 14F on the 31st. A record daily temperature of 61F was observed on the 24th, which surpassed the previous record for the date of 58F in 1996.  Christmas Day was also unusually warm with an early morning high temperature of 61F, which was not a record for the 25th. December was wetter than average with a precipitation total of 7.21 inches, which was nearly three inches more than the 120-year average and about two and a half inches wetter than the 1981-2010 mean. There were no thunderstorm days during the month. Snowfall was very low for December with only 2.3 inches being measured, and most of this, 1.7 inches, fell on the 20th-21st.  The mean wind speed for December was 12.2 mph, which was the lowest on record for the month, and the prevailing wind direction was W. The peak wind gust was only 48 mph from the ENE on the 9th.  December was very cloudy with bright sunshine totaling only 94.8 hours or 35 percent of possible, which was 11 percent less than the 120-year average for the month.