Throughout the year the BHO Science Center sponsors many special events and virtual webinars related to our mission of interest to weather professionals, educators, students and the general public.

Southern New England Weather Conference

This large annual meeting brings together professional weather forecasters, researchers, teachers, students and others to learn about current and past weather events related to Southern New England.

Join Us for a “Climate Solutions Workshop” Feb. 24th, 7-8:30pm

Hosted by NBC Boston Meteorologist, Tim Kelley, with our esteemed presenter, Dr. Tamara Shapiro Ledley Dr. Tamara Shapiro Ledley is a climate and Earth Science thought leader and STEM education consultant, Secretary of the Education Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ( AAAS ), and Adjunct Professor at Bentley University. Dr.… Read More »

New Schedule for Blue Hill Webinar

Thanks to all of you who have attended the Observatory’s webinars. With many people now back at work and things getting somewhat back to normal, we have decided to present only one webinar a week. Thank you. Wednesday, June 17 1 p.m.The Mysteries of TornadogenesisPresented by Sean Ernst, PhD meteorology student University of Oklahoma Tornadoes… Read More »

Tornado Week- Three new Webinars on the Worcester Tornado

Monday June 8 100 PM EDT  The Worcester Tornado by Bill Chittick June 9, 1953 is so memorable and monumental in Massachusetts history that we have three presentations on it. We start with author Bill Chittick doing a presentation he has done for groups all over New England including people who lived through the Tornado. … Read More »

Blue Hill Webinars June 1-5

MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2020- 1 PM Educational Resources at Blue Hill Observatory  Presented by Don McCasland, Program Director Learn how to use the website to teach climate and weather. See examples of materials available to build your own weather instruments and different premade kits available, see the full range of kite resources including books, materials,… Read More »

Blue Hill Online Programs this Week

MONDAY, MAY 18, 2020 1 PM Carol: Remembering her Fury Hurricane Carol was one of the worst tropical cyclones to ever affect Southern New England. Charles Orloff, Executive Director, BHO witnessed it and will describe its fury. Please send an email to to receive a link and password to this program. WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2020… Read More »

Blue Hill Online Program this Week

MONDAY, MAY 11, 2020 1PM Wind Speed and direction recorders at Blue Hill Observatory Learn about historic and modern wind speed and wind direction sensors both that are working and that have been retired Please join our program from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Send an email to to get a link and password.… Read More »

Tim Kelley’s Weather Program Continued Friday

Tim Kelley of NBC10 Boston will continue his tutorial THIS FRIDAY, MAY 1st, on how to look at online resources to make your own forecasts. Tim will share several of his favorite web sites, explain how to use the site and what the information on a page means.  Topics will include forecast models, satellite and… Read More »