April 2014 Summary – Close to Average

Blue Hill Observatory
April 2014 Summary:

The month was notable for being less cold than recent months relative to the normal temperature and for being otherwise close to average.  The 24-hour mean temperature for the month of 46.1F was 1.4 degrees warmer the 120-year average for April, and this was very close to the 1981-2010 30-year average.  The maximum temperature for the month was 73F on the 14th, and the coldest temperature was 28F on the 16th and 18th.  The minimum temperature on the 14th of 55F tied the record highest minimum for that date previously set in 1909.  The total precipitation for April of 4.00 inches was slightly drier than the 120-year average and about one half inch less than the 1981-2010 mean, and the greatest in 24 hours, 1.22 inches, occurred on the 15th.  There were 13 days with measurable precipitation during the month, which was one more than average for April. There was a single thunderstorm day during the month on the 23rd, which was average. Measurable snowfall occurred on only one day during April and that was the monthly total of 0.8 inch, which was about 2 inches less than the long-term average. The seasonal snowfall total of 85.6 inches through April was 22.9 inches more than the long-term mean. On the 17th, a maximum sea-level pressure of 30.82 inches was observed, which was the second highest pressure ever recorded for the month behind only 30.84 inches in April, 1973. The mean wind speed for April was 13.9 mph with a prevailing wind direction of NW, and the peak wind gust for April was 62 mph from the S on the 15th during the heaviest rain of the month.  April bright sunshine was exactly average with 49 percent of possible being measured.