Picture Post

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Narrative for BHT-07WW Progression of Images in Fall 2015

The above pictures show the view from the Blue Hill Observatory Tower in the west direction. Some of the visible features are as follows.

The roof of the observatory is in the lower left corner of the image. The area with grass, mostly bear oak brush and exposed ledge is the open area on the opposite side of the tower from the road. There is a telephone pole on the right edge of the picture, with a concrete square near the pole, behind a pear tree. Attached to the concrete square is an orange post that is the post and fixture for the Blue Hill Observatory West Picture Post. A Massachusetts State Police cell tower is visible along the left edge. Along the edge of the woods is a mixture of pine trees and pioneer trees such as red maple, red oak and pignut hickory. To the left of the pioneer trees is a mature white pine. Beyond the hill, the low, bowl shaped feature is the Neponset River Valley (also known as Fowl Meadow). Above the telephone pole, on the horizon, on a good day, you can see Mt. Wachusett in some of these images.

These nine images were taken about weekly from September 4 through November 14, using the fixtures in place at the top of the tower on the observatory.

On September 4, trees and plants are mostly green. Some taller grasses are turning yellow to crimson, especially left in the picture. Note the brownness of the white pine – the area has been experiencing extended dry periods and that tree has brown needles likely due to those conditions. The valley is green. The first signs of strong color in the valley and on the summit trees occur on October 4. On the hill, some of the grass has turned yellow. The small red maples are showing color near the top. In the valley some color is showing as a ribbon along the center. On October 12, the color both on the hill and in the valley is more pronounced. On the hill, the hickory by the telephone pole is now completely in yellow, and the pioneer trees further back are yellow-orange. The ribbon of color in the valley has broadened. By October 25, the summit vegetation is at full or past peak, while the central portion of the valley now is bare, while areas on either side are in peak color. By October 31, the color is past peak – bear oak bushes are holding onto the leaves. The valley is now bare, while the ridges on either side have color. Fall foliage is now nearly done by November 14.