Winter 2013-2014 Summary – Ninth Snowiest on Record

Blue Hill Observatory
Winter (December-February) 2013-2014 Summary:

The meteorological winter season was very snowy with frequent cold and highly variable temperatures. The 24-hour mean temperature for the season of 27.3F was exactly equal to the 1891-2010 120-year average for the winter months, but this was significantly colder than the recent 30-year average winter temperature. Relative to the 120-year mean winter temperature, 25 of the past 32 winters have been warmer than average, six were colder, and this past winter equaled this average.  This was the coldest winter since 2010-2011.  Highly variable temperatures occurred all winter with 39 out of the 90 days having double-digit temperature departures from normal; 20 days were 10 or more degrees colder and 19 days were 10 or more degrees warmer than normal.  Precipitation for winter 2013-2014 totaled 15.36 inches, which was more than two inches above average.  The total winter snowfall was 81.6 inches, which was more than three feet of snow above average, and this was the ninth snowiest winter on record. The mean wind speed for the winter months was 13.1 mph, which was the lowest on record for any winter since 1885.