Last Chance to Gain Funding for Blue Hill Observatory

The Joint Conference Committee is in the last week of discussions to reconcile differences between the House and Senate budgets. As we explained in a previous post, Blue Hill Observatory has a $100,000 line-item in the House  budget, but nothing in the Senate budget. Now, more than ever, we need your help to ensure that educational programs and the longest climate record in the Nation can be continued. Please click on the links below to email or call  the members of the Conference Committee and ask them to  support House Amendment #768 for funding for Blue Hill Observatory. Thank you.
Email for Senate President Rosenberg
Phone Number for Senate President Rosenberg – 617-722-1500
Email for Speaker DeLeo
Phone Number for House Speaker DeLeo- 617-722-2500
Email for Senator Spilka
Phone Number for Senator Spilka – 617-722-1640
Email for Senator DiDomenico
Phone Number for Senator DiDomenic- 617-722-1650
Email for Senator deMacedo
Phone Number for Senator deMacedo- 617-722-1330
Email for Representative Dempsey
Phone number for Representative Dempsey- 617-722-2990
Email for Representative Kulik
Phone Number for Representative Kulik- 617-722-2380
Email for Representative Smola
Phone Number for Representative Smola- 617-696-2100
List of Senators and their emails.