Membership Level change

You have selected the Sustaining Observer membership level.

  • Free access to the Observatory
  • Discounts at our on-line store and our on-site gift-shop
  • Free access to our monthly and annual climate reports
  • Eight in-depth science webinars
  • You will also be invited with other Sustaining Observers to a private Sunset Viewing Event at Blue Hill plus an in-depth tour of our historic tower that includes a Meet & Greet with our Chief Scientist and Weather Observers
  • You and your family will be invited to all of our community events

The price for membership is $350.00 per Year.

Account Information Already have an account? Log in here


Join Online

Click on the PayPal button above to pay with your Credit Card or with PayPal (PayPal account not required) and follow the directions there. You may also become a member at our Square store.

Join by Phone

Please call (617) 696-0562 to become a member by phone using your Credit Card.

Join by Mail

You may also become a member by personal check made out to Blue Hill Observatory Science Center, then mail your check to:

Blue Hill Observatory
P.O. Box 187
Readville, MA, 02137