March 2015 Summary – Colder and Drier Than Average

Blue Hill Observatory
March 2015 Summary:

The month was notable for being colder and drier than average with slightly more snow than average. The 24-hour mean temperature for the month of 31.0 deg F was 3.4 degrees colder than the 120-year average for March, and it was about five degrees colder than the 1981-2010 30-year average.  The maximum temperature for the month was 55F on the 11th, and the coldest temperature was 5F on the 6th. The first three months of the year were the ninth coldest on record for that period and the coldest since 1934. The average minimum temperature for January-March of 15.0 deg F was the third coldest on record. March was drier than average with a precipitation total of 3.25 inches, which was about and inch and a half less than the 120-year average and more than two inches less than the 1981-2010 mean. The monthly snowfall of 13.3 inches was only about an inch more than average, but this brought the seasonal total up to 150.8 inches, which is a new seasonal snowfall record. The snow depth on the summit of Great Blue Hill dropped gradually from a high of 38 inches early in the month to about 10 inches by the end of the month. The mean wind speed for the month was 13.4 mph, which tied for the fifth slowest on record, and the prevailing direction was from the northwest. The peak gust for the month was 53 mph from the northwest on the 17th. March sunshine totaled 179.3 hours, or 50 percent of the possible bright sunshine, which was one percent more than the long-term average.

BHO Coldest Jan-Mar Mean Temperature, deg F (1885-2015)

1) 21.4 in 1885
2) 22.1 in 1923
3) 22.8 in 1904
4) 23.2 in 1888
5) 23.5 in 1920
23.5 in 1934
7) 23.6 in 1893
23.6 in 1912
9) 23.8 in 2015
10) 24.2 in 1916

BHO Coldest Jan-Mar Average Minimum Temperature, deg F (1885-2015)

1) 13.4 in 1885
2) 14.9 in 1923
3) 15.0 in 2015
4) 15.2 in 1888
15.2 in 1934
6) 15.3 in 1904
7) 16.6 in 1920
8) 16.7 in 1912
9) 16.8 in 1887
16.8 in 1893

BHO Greatest Seasonal Snowfall, inches (1885-2015):

1) 150.8 in 2014-2015 (through 1 PM April 3rd)
2) 144.4 in 1995-1996
3) 136.0 in 1947-1948
4) 119.4 in 2004-2005
5) 113.1 in 2002-2003
6) 111.5 in 1915-1916
7) 109.6 in 1966-1967
8) 106.8 in 1955-1956
9) 103.4 in 1903-1904
10)102.5 in 1922-1923