July 2014 Summary – Warmer and Sunnier than Average

Blue Hill Observatory
July 2014 Summary:

The month was notable for being warmer, wetter and sunnier than average.  The 24-hour mean temperature for the month of 72.0F was 2.3 degrees warmer the 120-year average for July, though this was much less warmer than the 1981-2010 30-year average.  The maximum temperature for the month was 91F on the 3rd, which was the first 90-degree day of the year, and the coldest temperature was 55F two days later on the 5th.  This was the first time since 1998 that the first 90-degree day of the year occurred as late as July. There were no daily temperature records during the month.  The total precipitation for July of 5.08 inches was nearly an inch and a half wetter than the 120-year average and just over an inch more than the 1981-2010 mean. About half of the monthly total fell during the offshore passage of Hurricane Arthur on the 4th, with 2.73 inches of rain falling in 24 hours on the 4-5th. The greatest calendar day amount, 2.48 inches on the 4th, was a new record for the date. This was also the earliest impact of a hurricane in New England since at least the late 19th century. There were ten days with measurable precipitation during July, and this was one below the average. Thunderstorms were observed on seven days during the month, which is one more than average, and the annual total of 15 thunderstorm days is about average through July. The mean wind speed for July was 11.8 mph with a prevailing wind direction of S. The annual mean wind speed is tied for the third lowest through July. The peak wind gust during the month was only 36 mph from the NW on the 5th, following the passage of Hurricane Arthur, and 36 mph from the S during a thunderstorm on the 28th.  July bright sunshine was 63 percent of possible, which was 5 percent more than the 120-year average for the month.