Picture Post for Environmental Conservation

A New Program for Middle School Youth, combining standards-aligned modules in a classroom with a Blue Hill Observatory interactive experience.

Developed in Partnership with the Yawkey Foundation.


To participate or to get more information, please email education@bluehill.org, or contact us with the form below.

Special Programs

Blue Hill Observatory and Boston University Hosting Free Educator Workshops – Summer 2024

Blue Hill Observatory Hosting Summer Programs for Youth Ages 7-9 – Summer 2024

Other Educational Programs

Blue Hill Observatory and  Science Center also offers additional fee for service programs for teachers, students and the general public to learn more about climate science. These include programs weather watching at Blue Hill, weather forecasting, making and flying kites, balloon launches, guided hikes of Great Blue Hill, and many others.

You can even create a custom program that suits your particular needs.

Weather Watching at Great Blue Hill

Tour the Observatory using a study guide and learn about weather instruments and how observers record and analyze the weather.

Cost: $50, plus $2.00 per student and $4.00 per adult. Maximum group size is 60 students with one chaperon for each 6 to 10 students (no charge for chaperons).
Time: About 75 minutes

Kite-Making Workshops

Design, build and fly your own kite! Travel with a guide through the history of kites and their use at the Observatory. Kite Flying on Blue Hill is possible time and weather permitting.

Cost: $75, plus materials ($1.00 to $75 per kite depending on style)
Time: 30 to 90 minutes

Windy Weather

Make wind catchers and explore the wind with a guided tour of the Observatory.

Cost: $75, plus materials ($1.00 to $10 per student depending on activity)
Time: About 75 minutes

Guided Hikes

Trek through the Blue Hills and learn about your environment.

Cost: $45 per guide, plus $2.00 per student and $4.00 per adult. Maximum group size is 24 students with one chaperon for each 6 to 12 students (no charge for chaperons).
Time: About 45 minutes

Weather Forecasting

How do meteorologists make weather forecasts? Learn from the experts in a forecasting workshop.

Cost: $50, plus $2.00 per student and $4.00 per adult. Maximum group size is 16 students with one chaperon for each 6 to 8 students (no charge for chaperons).
Time: About 90 minutes

Balloon Launch

Track and learn properties of the wind with bio-degradable balloons.

Cost: $40, plus $1 per balloon
Time: 20 to 30 minutes

Observation Exploration

See the Observatory in action. Discover the tools used by Blue Hill meteorologists since 1885 on a detailed tour.

Cost: $45, plus $1.50 per student and $3.00 per adult. Maximum group size is 16 students with one chaperon for each 6 to 8 students (no charge for chaperons).
Time: About 45 minutes

The Math of Meteorology

How do you find the average wind speed, temperature range and relative humidity? Use math skills to learn about the weather.

Cost: $50, plus $2.00 per student and $4.00 per adult. Maximum group size is 60 students with one chaperon for each 6 to 10 students (no charge for chaperons).
Time: About 75 minutes

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