Celebrate Columbus Day Weekend on Great Blue Hill

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This Columbus Day Weekend, October 11-13, we will be joining in on the Fall Festival the Blue Hills Trailside Museum is hosting.

Saturday October 11 will be our Focus on Weather Day. We expect to have someone from Mount Washington Observatory and from the National Weather Service on the hill along with other weather related displays and activities. There will be free admission to the Observatory that day.

Sunday October 12 will be a Focus on Hiking day with guided hikes that include tours of the Observatory. These hikes will be short, about 1 mile with only 35-40 minutes of walking. The cost for adults  is $6.00 and $4.00 age 4-17.  The hike will end with a 20 minute tour of Blue Hill Observatory. Long hikes will also be available- about 2 miles for about 65-80 minutes followed by a general tour of the Observatory for $10.00 adults and $6.00 ages 5-17. The long hike is not recommended for under 6 unless someone can carry them if needed.

Monday October 13 will be Focus on Kites Day. There will be kite flying and kite making which is $10.00 for a kite kit and workshop fee. We have a wide range of kites for all skill levels starting at $3.29 and going up from there. General tours will also be offered at $4.00 adults, $2.00 ages 5-17.

We are open every weekend 10 to 4 and 7 days a week by appointment for educational programs, tours or shopping. Call Don McCasland (617-696-0562) or send him an email at (dmccasland@bluehill.org) with any questions.