2013 Southern New England Weather Conference
Since 2000, the Southern New England Weather Conference has provided a place for weather enthusiasts and professionals to gather and share their knowledge and expertise regarding topics such as winter weather forecasting, severe weather, hurricanes, advances in the science of meteorology, and emergency preparedness, as well as numerous other topics.
Regardless of whether you are a seasoned professional or have just a casual interest in weather, the Southern New England Weather Conference is sure to offer topics of interest to you! This year’s conference will take place on Saturday October 26, 2013. The conference will again be held at Meditech, at the base of Great Blue Hill in Canton, Massachusetts.
The conference this year will still cover many of the various weather events that have affected Southern New England recently, but there will be several talks on Superstorm Sandy. Other topics that will be covered include:
- Significant tornadoes in New England and New York since 1995
- The 75th anniversary of the 1938 Hurricane
The highlight of the day will be a comparison of the Blizzard of 2013 to the Blizzard of 1978, presented by Harvey Leonard and Matt Noyes.
Registration for the meeting is now open, and the tentative agenda is available at the SNE Weather Conference web site.