Primary Computer Files

This page describes the numerous computer files where current daily and monthly weather data are stored. All of these files can be found on the main office computer 'Weather1' in subfolders under main folder c:MyDocuments/bhodata. Most files contain data for a single calendar year, with the last two digits of the year in the filename indicated by 'YY', or the whole year indicated by 'YYYY'.

Location: ("Weather1" c:MyDocuments/bhodata)
Subfolders in the 'bhodata' directory include:

   File name: asosdatYY.xls (Excel file)
   Description: Daily ASOS data listed by month, including temperature, precipitation, etc.

B-16 Daily
   File name: JanuaryYYYY.xls, FebruaryYYYY.xls, etc. (Excel file)
   Description: Includes folders for each year, in which are B-16 spreadsheets for each month

   File name: BarcompYY.doc (Word document)
   Description: Lists daily manual and ASOS pressure information for each month

   File name: bhjrnYY.doc (Word document)
   Description: Daily written notes about happenings at the observatory and unusual weather

bhobs (Daily Observations)
   File name: bhobsYY.doc (Word document)
   Description: Listing of 7 AM (12 UTC), 10 AM (15 UTC), and 1 PM (18 UTC) observations in SA coded format

   Filename: bhohddYY.xls (Excel file)
   Description: Spreadsheet listing of daily heating degree data

bhomtn (inactive)
   Filename: bhomtnYY.xls (Excel file)
   Description: Daily information about mountatins visible from Blue Hill Observatory

   Filename: bhoprcpYY.xls (Excel file)
   Description: Spreadsheet with monthly precipitation and snowfall data

   Filename: bhowndYY.xls (Excel file)
   Description: Daily and hourly wind direction by month

   Filename: bhwxdYY.xls (Excel file)
   Description: Comprehensive daily observations for each month, compare with B-16s.

   Filename: merlinYY.xls (Excel file)
   Description: Summary of daily wind observations from Maximum, Merlin, NWS420C, Aerovane and ASOS wind instruments

   Filename: mmtsYY.xls (Excel file)
   Description: Summary of daily maximum, minimum and 7 AM temperatures from Nimbus (formerly MMTS), enclosure Hazen and Cotton-Region shelters

nwdata (inactive)
   Filename: nwdataYY.xls (Excel file)
   Description: Daily north window and enclosure Hazen shelter temperatures (available for years 1993-98)

rgcomp (inactive)
   Filename: rgcomYY.xls (Excel file)
   Description: Storm rain gage comparisons (for years 1999-2000)

   Filename: wdcorYY.xls (Excel file)
   Description: Uncorrected and corrected hourly wind speeds for each day by month. Hourly speeds from wind speed recorder are copied to uncorreted column and spreadsheet applies correction in adjacent column. A correction of +1 mph is added to all uncorrected speeds of 10 mph or less. This correction is applied to ensure consistency of wind speed records with past instrumentation.

Files in this location ("Weather1" c:MyDocuments/bhodata) include:

(e.g. 01-DAILY RECORDS JANUARY): Daily Records for all months
bhocli.doc: monthly climate
Bhextreme.doc: - extreme data for each date
bhoequip.doc: list all equipment
bhomedia.doc: media directory
bhomosun.doc: monthly values of sunshine duration, by year
bhonotes.doc: misc. met notes through April 93
bhosnow.xls: snowfall yearly totals, 5and 10 year means
BHOSUNRANKING.xls: same data as bhomosun, years ranked by sunlight hours
Bhotel.doc: telephone directory
BHOTEMPS.xls: monthly temperature records
bhppmxmn.xls: monthly max-min barometric pressures, sea level
Contactbeeps.xls: This is a look-up chart listing minutes and seconds or total seconds of time between "beeps" to MPH.  (contact anomometer)
sea level pressure Conversion.xls: sea level pressure conversion using the hydrostatic equation
True Solar Time Correction.xls: as posted in office
Vapor Pressure.xls: vapor pressure conversion chart
Sunshine Sheet.xls