“A Winter Retrospective” with Tim Kelley, Harvey Leonard and Dr. Judah Cohen
Join us for “A Winter Retrospective” an all new webinar with Tim Kelley taking place Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 12 pm. Tim will be joined by Dr. Judah Cohen of Atmospheric and Environmental Research along with Harvey Leonard, Meteorologist at WCVB TV.
Every Autumn the public seeks long range forecasts from meteorologists as to how much snow to expect during the upcoming winter. A premier forecaster is Dr. Judah Cohen of Atmospheric and Environmental Research. Judah’s forecast has been featured by Meteorologist, Harvey Leonard and the team at WCVB TV for years. We thought it would be fun to regroup to hear from Judah and Harvey on how this year’s snowfall prediction and forecasting turned out. The format will be an interactive 90-minute discussion of the fascinating snowy and tumultuous past winter season.As a reminder, Worcester almost always gets more snow than Boston. Right now, Boston is beating Worcester in seasonal snowfall! Our latest winter record of significant snowfall was May 9, 1977. So, maybe it’s not over, yet!
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