BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY MILTON, MASSACHUSETTS ELEVATION 635 FEET, 10 MILES SSW OF BOSTON, MA   DAILY DISCUSSION AND CLIMATE SUMMARY SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 2012  ALL TIMES ARE IN EASTERN STANDARD TIME   TEMPERATURES COOLER TODAY, HOWEVER STILL ABOVE NORMAL   After yesterday's shot of spring-like weather, temperatures are back down into the low 40s by early this afternoon, however still above normal for this time of year. Yesterday's maximum temperature of 59F fell 1 degree shy of tying the current record maximum temperature of 60F for that day set back in 1930. Visibility has been very clear today with minimal haze, allowing Grand Monadnock to be seen from the Observatory. Varying cloud coverage has been observed throughout the day. Winds have been out of the west but have varied in both speed and direction as of mid-morning.   A cold front will sweep through the region tonight, bringing temperatures down into the upper teens. However once this front passes through, tomorrow's temperatures will once again be able to reach high 30s in most areas.   Today's observations:   7 A.M.  Weather: Clear, few altocumulus ENE-S, few altocumulus standing lenticularis all quadrants, few thin cirrus NE-E, few dense cirrus NNE-SSW, light haze Temperature: 34F, Dew point: 27F, Wind: W at 10 kts Sea-level pressure: 30.04 inches Hg, rising Visibility: 50 miles, visibility W-NNW 30 miles, light haze 6-hour min. temp: 34F BHO SA 1155 CLR 50 174/34/27/2810/004/ FEW AC ENE-S FEW ACSL ALQDS FEW THN CI NE-E FEW DNS CI NNE-SSW LGT HZ VSBY LWR W-NNW 30/ 8/041 52027 10040 20034   10 A.M. Weather: Scattered altocumulus, scattered dense cirrus, broken thin cirrus, few cumulus/cumulus fractus all quadrants, cumulus band distant offshore NNE-NE, few altocumulus cumulogenitus all quadrants except E-SSE, few altocumulus standing lenticularis E-SE, contrails WSW and NW-N, thin smoke layer SSE-S, light distant haze WNW-NW Temperature: 40F, Dew Point: 27F; Wind: W at 9 kts, Wind: Direction variable WSW-NNW Sea-level pressure: 30.12 inches Hg, rising Visibility: 80 miles, visibility WNW-NW 60 miles, light distant haze BHO SA 1455 140 SCT 200 SCT E300 –BKN 80 201/40/27/2709/012/ FEW CU/CUFRA ALQDS CU BAND DSNT OFFSHR NNE-NE FEW ACCU ALQDS XCPT E-SSE FEW ACSL E-SE CONTRAILS WSW AND NW-N THN K LYR SSE-S LGT DSNT HZ WNW-NW VSBY LWR WNW-NW 60 WND 24V34/ 8/261 51027   1 P.M.  Weather: Scattered cumulus/mediocris, scattered dense cirrus, scattered thin cirrus, few cumulus mediocris overhead, contrail SE and NW, virga N and NNE, light distant haze Temperature: 41F, Dew Point: 24F; Wind: WSW at 10 kts, Wind: Direction variable SSW-WNW Sea-level pressure: 30.10 inches Hg, falling  Visibility: 80 miles, light distant haze 6-hour max. temp: 43F BHO SA 1755 40 SCT 200 SCT 250 –SCT 80 194/41/24/2510/010/ FEW CU MEDIOCRIS OVD CONTRAIL SE AND NW VIRGA N AND NNE LGT DSNT HZ WND 20V29/ 8/201 58007 10043 20034   WEATHER SUMMARY FOR SATURDAY, JANUARY 7   TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) MAX.....59    NORMAL.....34 MIN.....39    NORMAL.....18 MEAN....49    NORMAL.....26   DEPARTURE FROM 30-YEAR NORMAL.....................+23 TOTAL DEPARTURE FOR THE MONTH.....................+48  [+6.7 DEGREES/DAY]   HEATING DEGREE DAYS TOTAL HEATING UNITS FOR YESTERDAY.............16   DEPARTURE........-23 TOTAL HEATING UNITS FOR THE MONTH............223   DEPARTURE........-44 TOTAL HEATING UNITS FOR THE SEASON..........1976   DEPARTURE.......-620 TOTAL HEATING UNITS LAST SEASON TO DATE.....2482   DIFFERENCE......-506   PEAK GUST AND AVERAGE WIND SPEED (MPH) PEAK WIND GUST FOR YESTERDAY.............29 WSW AT 3:30 P.M. *                    AERO..................29 SW  AT 2:12 P.M.                    ASOS..................30 SW  AT 2:12 P.M.                    DAVIS.................28 W   AT 3:32 P.M. RMY 30 THE FASTEST MILE FOR YESTERDAY...........23 WSW AT 3:33 P.M. MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE ASOS AVERAGE............23 W   AT 3:32 P.M. MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE DAVIS AVERAGE...........21 W   AT 3:31 P.M. AVERAGE WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION.......12.2 WSW                    ASOS................11.5                    DAVIS...............11.0 WSW [255 deg.] * Last of several occurrences   PRECIPITATION (INCHES) THROUGH THIS MORNING (EST) TOTAL PRECIPITATION 24 HRS ENDING 7 A.M....0.00  DEPARTURE..........-0.14                          ASOS..............0.00 TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH..........0.04  DEPARTURE..........-0.96                          ASOS..............0.04 TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE YEAR...........0.04  DEPARTURE..........-0.96                         ASOS...............0.04       SNOWFALL (INCHES) THROUGH THIS MORNING (EST) TOTAL SNOWFALL 24 HRS ENDING 7 A.M..........0.0  DEPARTURE..........-0.5 TOTAL SNOWFALL FOR THE MONTH................0.1  DEPARTURE..........-3.4      TOTAL SNOWFALL FOR THE SEASON...............8.6  DEPARTURE..........-8.5   PRELIMINARY CLIMATE SUMMARY FOR JANUARY 2012 CALENDAR DAY DATA DATA REPORTED: DATE: MAX/MIN/MEAN/DEP/PRECIP/SNOW/SUN(MIN.)/SUN(%)/ PEAK GUST/AERO GUST AERO: Aerovane wind recording system gust when significant RMY:  RMY = R.M. Young wind gust recording system added 8/9/2011 TSTM: Thunderstorm day (thunder heard some time during day) ....: Data not yet available, records not finalized   1/1  51/35/42/+16/0.01/0.0/494/90   35 S   AERO 35 MPH S   RMY 37 1/2  48/30/39/+12/0.02/T/.../..     36 W   AERO 36 MPH W   RMY 37 1/3  30/11/21/-5/0.00/0.0/.../..    39 NW  AERO 38 MPH NW  RMY 39 1/4  26/7/17/-9/0.00/0.0/.../..     28 NW  AERO 25 MPH NW  N/A 1/5  35/20/28/+2/T/T/.../..         27 W   AERO 25 MPH W   RMY 26 1/6  47/23/35/+9/T/T/.../..         26 S   AERO 25 MPH S   RMY 27 1/7  59/39/49/+23/0.00/0.0/.../..   29 WSW AERO 29 MPH SW  RMY 30   1/8  overnight low temp: 34F; the normal low is now 18F   DAILY RECORDS FOR JANUARY 2012 None so far.   DAILY EXTREMES Temperature and precipitation records back to 1885, and wind records back to 1940 (e = estimated):   RECORDS FOR JANUARY 8 HIGH 65F IN 2008 LOW -8F IN 1968 PRECIP 1.70 INS. IN 1958,1979 SNOWFALL 12.5 INS. IN 1996 PEAK GUST 77 MPH NNW IN 1958   RECORDS FOR JANUARY 9 HIGH 62F IN 1937 LOW -9F IN 1968 PRECIP 3.00 INS. IN 1956 SNOWFALL 10.0 INS. IN 1904 PEAK GUST 101e MPH SE IN 1978 [RECORD FOR MONTH]   TODAY'S REPORT PREPARED BY: George A. Tabeek