BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY MILTON, MASSACHUSETTS ELEVATION 635 FEET, 10 MILES SSW OF BOSTON, MA DAILY DISCUSSION AND CLIMATE SUMMARY TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2012 ALL TIMES ARE IN EASTERN STANDARD TIME QUIET DAY WITH INCREASING CLOUDS; WARM STREAK EXTENDS TO 14 DAYS As has been the rule, for the most part for August, winds are on the low side. The peak wind gust so far today remains below 20 mph. The wind direction remains generally from the west, so the air mass has not changed too dramatically since Monday. Dew point temperatures are a bit lower, falling to the lower 60s this afternoon. Temperatures remain slightly on the warm side today, extending our warm streak to 14 days now. The only real significant change has been the increase in clouds throughout the day. Mostly cloudys skies have dominated since late this morning through this afternoon. Today's observations: 7 A.M. Weather: Scattered altocumulus (2 levels), broken thin cirrus, altocumulus and a few altocumulus lenticularis SSW-NW-Ne, smoke layer along horizon all quadrants, distant haze Temperature: 69F; Dew Point: 63F; Wind: NW at 8 kts, Wind: Direction gradually veering (clockwise) past hour Sea-level pressure: 29.96 ins. Hg, rising Visibility: 45 miles, distant haze 6-hour min. temp: 64F BHO SA 1155 120 SCT 160 SCT 250 –BKN 45 146/69/63/3108/996/ AC AND FEW ACSL SSW-NW-NE K LYR ALG HRZN ALQDS DSNT HZ WND GRDLY VEERING PST HR/ 8/041 53010 10069 20064 10 A.M. Weather: Scattered altocumulus (2 levels), scattered cirrostratus, broken dense cirrus, broken cirrus, few small cumulus forming distant W-N-ESE and distant S-SSW, moderate cumulus over city to the north and distant NNW, lower altocumulus/altocumulus lenticularis distant S-W, higher altocumulus ESE-S and overhead, cirrostratus SE-W-NW, higher cirrus layer partly thin, distant haze Temperature: 78F; Dew Point: 65F; Wind: W at 4 kts, Wind: Light and variable Sea-level pressure: 29.96 ins. Hg, rising then falling Visibility: 40 miles, WNW 45 miles, distant haze BHO SA 1455 100 SCT 120 SCT 200 SCT E220 BKN 250 BKN 40 146/78/65/2704/996/ FEW SML CU FRMG DSNT W-N-ESE AND DSNT S-SSW MDT CU OVR CTY N AND DSNT NNW LWR AC/ACSL DSNT S-W HIER AC ESE-S AND OVHD CS SE-W-NW HIER CI LYR PRTLY THN DSNT HZ VSBY WNW 45 WND LGT AND VRB/ 8/247 50000 1 P.M. Weather: Scattered cumulus, broken altocumulus (2 levels), broken cirrostratus, broken cirrus, cumulus NW-E-SSW, few moderate cumulus NNE and ENE-SE and distant NW, altocumulus castellanus and altocumulus floccus in the vicinity of the station, higher cirrus partly thin, cirrus visible distant E-SSE, distant haze, rain shower distant W-WNW moving NE Temperature: 79F; Dew Point: 61F; Wind: SW at 10 kts, Wind: Direction variable SSW-W Sea-level pressure: 29.95 ins. Hg, falling slightly Visibility: 45 miles, WNW 50 miles, distant haze 6-hr. max. temp: 81F BHO SA 1755 40 SCT E100 BKN 120 BKN 200 BKN 250 BKN 45 143/79/61/2310/995/ CU DSNT NW-E-SSW FEW MDT CU NNE AND ENE-SE AND DSNT NW ACC AND AC FLOCCUS VCTY STN HIER CI PRTLY THN CI VSBL DSNT E-SSE DSNT HZ SHRA DSNT W-WNW MOVG NE VSBY WNW 50 WND 20V27/ 8/287 58003 10081 20069 WEATHER SUMMARY FOR MONDAY, AUGUST 13 TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) MAX.....84 NORMAL.....80 MIN.....66 NORMAL.....62 MEAN....75 NORMAL.....71 DEPARTURE FROM 30-YEAR NORMAL.....................+4 TOTAL DEPARTURE FOR THE MONTH....................+72 [+5.3 DEGREES/DAY] PEAK GUST AND AVERAGE WIND SPEED (MPH) PEAK WIND GUST FOR YESTERDAY.............21 WNW AT 10:51 A.M. AERO..................20 WNW AT 10:51 A.M. ASOS..................20 W AT 10:51 A.M. DAVIS.................18 W AT 10:31 A.M. RMY 19 THE FASTEST MILE FOR YESTERDAY...........12 W AT 12:07 P.M. MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE ASOS AVERAGE............14 W AT 1:29 P.M. MAXIMUM 2-MINUTE DAVIS AVERAGE...........13 W AT 10:51 A.M. AVERAGE WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION........8.8 W ASOS.................8.8 DAVIS................7.9 WSW [258 deg] PRECIPITATION (INCHES) THROUGH THIS MORNING (EST) TOTAL PRECIPITATION 24 HRS ENDING 7 A.M....0.00 DEPARTURE...........-0.12 ASOS..............0.00 TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH..........1.62 DEPARTURE...........-0.22 ASOS..............1.60 TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE YEAR..........23.23 DEPARTURE...........-9.60 ASOS.............23.15 PRELIMINARY CLIMATE SUMMARY FOR AUGUST 2012 CALENDAR DAY DATA DATA REPORTED: DATE: MAX/MIN/MEAN/DEP/PRECIP/SUN(MIN.)/SUN(%)/ PEAK GUST/AERO GUST AERO: Aerovane wind recording system gust RMY: RMY = R.M. Young wind gust recording system added 8/9/2011 TSTM: Thunderstorm day (thunder heard some time during day) ....: Data not yet available, records not finalized 8/1 82/66/74/+2/0.58/390/45 33 W AERO 33 MPH W RMY 35 8/2 87/67/77/+5/T/648/75 20 W AERO 20 MPH W RMY 20 8/3 90/70/80/+8/0.00/707/82 23 SW AERO 23 MPH SW RMY 23 8/4 91/72/82/+10/0.00/713/83 22 S AERP 21 MPH S RMY 23 8/5 87/72/80/+8/0.14/660/77 37 S AERO 37 MPH SSW RMY 37 8/6 82/67/75/+3/0.00/710/83 25 WNW AERO 27 MPH WNW RMY 26 8/7 84/65/75/+3/0.00/725/85 23 S AERO 21 MPH S RMY 23 8/8 87/68/78/+6/0.00/578/68 20 S AERO 18 MPH S RMY 18 8/9 89/68/79/+7/0.00/.../.. 25 S AERO 23 MPH S RMY 25 8/10 84/70/77/+6/0.87/.../.. 32 SE AERO 32 MPH SE RMY 32 TSTM 8/11 84/69/77/+6/0.00/.../.. 25 S AERO 27 MPH S RMY 27 8/12 83/70/77/+6/0.03/.../.. 24 S AERO 23 MPH S RMY 23 8/13 84/66/75/+4/0.00/.../.. 21 WNW AERO 20 MPH WNW RMY 19 8/14 the morning low temp: 64F; the normal low is now 62F DAILY RECORDS FOR AUGUST 2012 8/4 - DAILY RECORD HIGH MINIMUM TEMP OF 72F; ties the current record of 72F in 1974. DAILY EXTREMES Temperature and precipitation records back to 1885, and wind records back to 1940 (e = estimated): RECORDS FOR AUGUST 14 HIGH 99F IN 2002 LOW 46F IN 1964 PRECIP 3.06 INCHES IN 1919 PEAK GUST 61 MPH WNW IN 1963 RECORDS FOR AUGUST 15 HIGH 95F IN 1928 LOW 47F IN 1964 PRECIP 1.55 INCHES IN 2004 PEAK GUST 44e MPH S IN 1941 REPORT PREPARED BY: Sean Fankhauser