BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY, MILTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02186 ELEVATION 635 FT. ABOVE MSL....10 MILES SSW OF BOSTON, MA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2003 DAILY DISCUSSION... CLOUDY TODAY WITH WARMER TEMPERATURES AND RAIN TO MOVE IN ON THURSDAY...The low temperature so far today at Blue Hill has been 30 degrees and this has risen to the mid-30s at mid-morning under a low deck of stratocumulus. There have been only a few breaks or thin spots in the overcast to the distant east today, and a few minutes of dim sunshine occurred at sunrise this morning. A thorough survey of snow cover on the summit early today shows an average of 19 inches on the ground. WEEKEND SNOWSTORM WAS THE SIXTH GREATEST ON RECORD, AND THE GREATEST FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER...The final storm totals from last weekend's storm are 3.54 inches of liquid equivalent precipitation and 24.3 inches of snow. Precipitation lasted for more than 40 hours from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. The road to the summit was not plowed until Tuesday afternoon hampering our recovery efforts, but operations are returning to normal today. It's interesting that two of the largest snowstorms on record have occurred this year: 1) 38.7" 2/24-28/1969 2) 30.3" 3/3-5/1960 3) 30.1" 2/6-7/1978 4) 30.0" 3/31-4/1/1997 5) 24.7" 2/17-18/2003 6) 24.3" 12/5-7/2003 *** 7) 22.2" 2/16-17/1958 The previous largest storm for December was a 20" snowfall on December 12, 1960. Today's observations: 7 AM BHO SA 1155 E20 OVC 30 251/31/28/1308/027/ FEW LWR SC E-SE BINOVC ALG HRZN DSNT NE-SE WND LGT/ 8/5// 4/019 53003 10031 20030 10 AM BHO SA 1455 15 SCT E20 OVC 30 252/34/30/1308/027/ FEW LWR SC DSNT OFFSHR E-SE THN SPTS IOVC DSNT E-S WND LGT/ 8/5// 53001 WINDS AT BLUE HILL FOR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 PEAK WIND GUST FOR FRIDAY...........17 MPH N AT 2:17 AM AEROVANE.........20 MPH N AT 1:50 AM ASOS.............17 MPH N AT 1:49 AM AVERAGE WIND SPEED AND DIR........7.5 MPH, N ASOS..........N/A PRECIPITATION DATA AT BLUE HILL..... TOTAL PRECIPITATION 24 HRS ENDING 7 AM....0.00 IN DEP....-0.16 IN ASOS.............0.00 IN TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE MONTH.........3.56 INS DEP....+2.12 INS ASOS.............3.38 INS TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THE YEAR...........N/A INS DEP......N/A INS ASOS..............N/A INS SNOWFALL DATA FOR BLUE HILL... TOTAL SNOWFALL FOR 24 HRS ENDING 7 AM....0.0 IN DEP....-0.3 IN TOTAL SNOWFALL FOR THE MONTH............24.5 INS DEP...+21.5 INS TOTAL SNOWFALL FOR THE SEASON...........25.0 INS DEP...+18.7 INS RECORDS FOR DECEMBER 10 HIGH 62 IN 1946 LOW -6 IN 1902 PRE 1.67 INS IN 1907 SNOW 6.0 INS IN 1905 WIND 66 MPH SW IN 1940 (ESTIMATED) RECORDS FOR DECEMBER 11 HIGH 63 IN 1911 LOW -1 IN 1988 PRE 2.36 INS IN 1992 SNOW 6.0 INS IN 1894 WIND 78 MPH S IN 1969 Daily wind records are for the period 1940-2002. Temperature and precipitation records are for the full period of record 1885-2002. Mike Iacono